And Many More...

When asked what "all" Dr Tobi sees patients for, Sara likes to joke... "The only thing I haven't seen her mend was her own broken bones".

It's true... she didn't correct that injury but what she teaches and shares with her patients on a daily basis was truly tested during that time of healing and recovery for herself.  What was nearly a life threatening injury and what could have very easily been a major life alteration was a brief setback and proved to be true testimony that proactively striving for optimal health can be the key to recovery and healing from major life events not to mention the key to living life to the fullest every ordinary day.  It was a physical, professional, mental and emotional challenge that she overcame with flying colors.

So when someone asks what "all" she does... the simple answer is that she views the body as a whole in "all" of it's wonderful existence. Looking at the whole body...and how it interacts and thrives with mind and soul gives her the best view to supporting each patient on their path to wellness, whatever that may be.

Truth is...she kinda digs a challenge and is ever so persistent so even when you feel all resources have been exhausted, a consultation with Dr Tobi can be life changing.

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Friday, July 26th: Closing @ 1:00; Friday, August 16th - Monday, September 2nd: Limited Hours

Regular Office Hours:


8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm




8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



