To Mask or not to Mask...

As most of you are aware masks are required in public places for the foreseeable future.   We ask that you please wear your mask when you come to the office.  We will have a few available in case you forget, but as you know supplies of all masks tends to be limited.  We will also still be cleaning between visits and limiting the number of people in the waiting room to uphold with social distancing.   We want to offer you the safest most comfortable treatment.   If you have one of the medical exclusions listed in the Governor’s Executive order please inform Sara when you make your appointment or upon arrival.  

That all being said please be kind to each other!  We all have opinions on whether this is the right course of action or not and we all have personal experiences as to why we formed those opinions.   As they say….”until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”.

Now with all the legalities out of the way, I want to remind you that your best defense against any illness is the health of your immune system.

We have posted several research based articles on our Facebook page about the proper nutrients your immune system needs, including, but not limited to probiotics, vitamin D3, Vitamin C, zinc, N-Acetyl Cysteine. There is also research that supports exercise and yes even Chiropractic care to boost your immune system and brain health.  We also offer Neurofeeback for those that may be especially concerned about their mental health at this time.  (Ask Sara how to get a complimentary brain scan) If you would like more information about how these things can help follow our Facebook page and website as we continue to post current research or give us a call to schedule an appointment so we can help you build your best immune system defense. We can help you determine what type of dietary approach is best for your body along with supplemental support to optimize your health, including reducing comorbidity that makes us more susceptible to any virus.    You CAN reduce your risk and we can help.

Stay safe, Stay Well. 

Executive Order: 

Contact Us Today

We look forward to hearing from you


Friday, July 26th: Closing @ 1:00; Friday, August 16th - Monday, September 2nd: Limited Hours

Regular Office Hours:


8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm




8:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



